
Showing posts from October, 2017

How to Choose Plants for a Garden

To Choose Plants for a Garden, you have to select the type of gardening you are interested in. After that, Talk to people in your neighborhood who garden successfully. Then, Check the phone book under government services. Next, Go for what you like. Forth, Check for different sizes. After that, Give some thought for the location of your garden. Then, Go to the outdoor or garden section of the local big box store or home improvement center as they usually have a pretty good selection appropriate for your area and the season you find yourself in. Next, Browse around, looking at the labels of plants you may be interested in trying. Forth, choose a few "container started" plants that you want to try, looking for healthy plants with a good plant size to container proportion. After that, Look for seeds, too, if the idea of planting "from scratch" interests you. Then, Plan to start on a small scale, don't fill up a shopping cart the first trip do